My Period Is Late. What Do I Do?

If your period is late, you’re likely worried that there’s a possibility you’re pregnant. Whatever you’re thinking and feeling right now, it’s understandable. However, it’s important to take a deep breath and realize that there are steps you can take to get answers. This article will highlight strategies for moving forward. Or, if you want

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Could I Be Pregnant and Not Know It?

Yes, it’s possible to be pregnant and not know it. This is because some women don’t experience early pregnancy symptoms.  If you think there’s a chance that you could be pregnant, the only way to know for sure is to get a pregnancy test—and if your test is positive, follow up with an ultrasound. At

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Are STDs Contagious?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also known as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), are bacterial, viral, parasitic, or fungal infections that are spread via bodily fluids and/or sexual contact. STDs are highly contagious during sexual activity because this is when an individual will come into contact with another person’s bodily fluids (semen, vaginal secretions, saliva, etc.).  This

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When Am I Most Likely to Get Pregnant?

You are most likely to get pregnant if you have sex during ovulation, the process through which a mature egg is released from the ovary and moves from the fallopian tube.  However, many factors go into getting pregnant; this article will explore some of those details. But if you think you might already be pregnant

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I’m Afraid of How My Partner Will React to My Unplanned Pregnancy

Finding out you’re pregnant can be scary, and if you add the stress of worrying about your partner’s reaction, this can amount to an overwhelming feeling.  But there are steps you can take to reduce your stress—which is essential for your health right now. This article will cover strategies for telling your partner the news.

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What Do I Need to Know if I Am Pregnant in High School?

If you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy and still in high school, it’s essential to know that you have rights—and you can succeed academically, no matter what pregnancy decision you make. Read on to learn more about your rights as a pregnant student and the resources available to help you succeed. Or, if you want to

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What Are My Second-Trimester Pregnancy Options?

If you’re currently in your second trimester of pregnancy (between weeks 14 and 27), your pregnancy options are parenting, adoption, or a surgical abortion. In Pennsylvania, abortion is only an option through your 23rd week of pregnancy. Making a pregnancy decision is critical—no matter how far along you are—and you deserve to know all the

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What Can Guys Do with an Unplanned Pregnancy?

If you recently found out that your partner is facing an unplanned pregnancy, you’re likely feeling overwhelmed with emotions and wondering what you can do.  Whether you’re wondering how to help your partner, what your rights are as a father, or what to do if you disagree with your partner’s pregnancy decision—all of this is

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How to Tell Your Boyfriend and Family You Are Pregnant

Finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant can stir many different emotions—all of which can feel more overwhelming as you think about telling your boyfriend and family. Telling them will help ease these difficult feelings as you get the news out in the open, but it can be hard to know where to start.  If you’re wondering

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7 Top Pregnancy Symptoms

Do you think you’re possibly pregnant? Maybe your periods are irregular, so it’s hard to know. In this blog, we share the 7 top pregnancy symptoms to look out for, according to the Mayo Clinic.  Always go about pregnancy testing to be sure and follow up with an ultrasound to determine how far along you

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